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About the Journal

Recherches Francophones is the online journal of AIELCEF (Association internationale d’étude des littératures et cultures de l’espace francophone) in replacement to Les Cahiers du Grelcef  (available here Archives | Les Cahiers du GRELCEF ( Founded in 2020, Recherches Francophones  has a renewable editorial and scientific comity. The journal edits analytical texts regarding francophone arts, literatures and cultures, based on a rigourous redacting protocol and a double blind peer evaluation. Recherches Francophones publishes yearly thematical numbers following an international call to submissions and, as an exception, special numbers. 

Recherches Francophones participates to the renewal of research on creative enterprises and on colonial and postcolonial francophone cultures. It encourages and diffuses new methodologies critical of francophone arts, including the francophone text, the implicit links to contemporaty history and social discourses, new esthetics and poetics configured as well as the deplacements of meaning that are generated. Each number bear a thematical section completed by a varia rubric (non-related reflexion texts) and a creation rubric (creative writing).

The website of Recherches Francophones offers usefull information on new numbers currently being prepared, the next calls to submissions, the redaction protocol for the articles and on the administration of the journal.