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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Your bibliography and your article should be submited in two seperated files. These files should be adapted to the redaction protocole. Should you fail to respect the protocole, your article could be rejected. If possible, join the URL links of your bibliographic sources.
  • Follow these next steps while accessing the Submission page :
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Start by registering yourself on the journal website : create your user name and password and conserve them since you will need them to stay updated on the evaluation of your article.

Author Guidelines


Recherches Francophones publishes articles that follow the guidelines presented below. The submitted articles need to routed electronically on the journal's website:

The length of the articles vary between a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 15 pages. The journal accepts only unpublished articles which have not been submitted elsewhere

All of the articles have to be submitted to a double-blind evaluation and will be retained only the ones that answer to the scientific, linguistic and redactional requirements. The content of the published texts, the accuracy of the information and the judicial consequences related to plagiarism are the sole responsibility of authors. All of the submitted texts need to respect the following guidelines: 

  1. Personal information and abstracts need to be directly added to the Metadata section. 

Add the following information : 

  • Title of the article
  • French abstract of 20 lines 
  • English abstract of 20 lines
  • 5 keywords

In the section References, the author should include a biobibliographical notice of maximum 10 lines which indicates the home University, areas of research and main publications. 

For anonymity reasons in the evaluation process, none of the personal information should appear in the body of the text. 

  1. Guidelines for the article which will be attached on the website of the journal

Margins, length, font and titles of chapters

Number the pages at the bottom-right corner of each page.

Leave a 4 cm margin (top, bottom, right and left). 

The hole of the article have to be redacted in Times New Roman 12. 

The text needs to have a 1,5 spacing and be justified to the right.

Skip a line between paragraphs. 

Titles and sub-titles of chapters should be limited, in bold using numbering. 

  1. Charts and illustrations

Insert the references of the charts, figures or illustrations in the body of the text, numbering in a continuous manner. Every graphic element integrated in the text should be found in the body of the text or in a separate folder with high image resolution. In the following case, where the graphic element should be located should be clearly indicated in the body of the text. The author needs to obtain the rights to use any illustration and provide the written proofs to the journal prior to the publication of the article. 

  1. Footnotes

Only include footnotes with explicative purposes (precisions from the author of the article, complements to a theoretical definition, excerpts from an interview, additional excerpts. Etc.). Avoid using the footnotes for mentions of pages ( Ibid + page ) or a simple references to a book. Use your automatic call to note in a continuous manner.

  1. Citations and punctuation

The citations in the body of the text have to mention, in between parenthesis, the name, surname of the author or authors, the year of publication of the cited work, the precise page or pages.

First example:

According to Mikhaïl Bakhtine (1963 : 68), ‘‘…’’

Second example:

‘‘…’’ (Achille Mbembe, 2010 : 124-125).


As for occurrences of the same work or article, put in parenthesis (Ibid. : page) when they follow each other or (op. cit. : page) when they don’t.

Citations of 4 lines or more will use an indent of 1 cm to the right and to the left, without using quotation marks and without line spacing, separated from the text by a line break before and after the citation.

Punctuation (coma or semicolon) needs to be placed after the closing quotation mark, the parenthesis and note numbering throughout the hole text.

  1. Varia

The journal offers a Varia section, which publishes off-file texts (reflexional texts, creation pieces – poems, short-stories, etc.). These are also evaluated by the redaction committee and need to answer to the guidelines.

  1. Final bibliography: add a separate Word document, following the same procedure as for the article.

All cited works are indicated in alphabetical order with complete references following these examples:


Mbembe, Achille, Sortir de la grande nuit. Essai sur l’Afrique décolonisée, Paris, La Découverte, 2013 [2010].


Semujanga, Josias, « La mémoire transculturelle comme fondement du sujet africain chez Mudimbe et Ngal », Tangence, n°75, 2004, pp.15-39.

Collective Monography

Seka Apo, Philomène, « Boubacar Boris Diop, un modèle d’atavisme littéraire », dans Luc Fotsing Fondjo et Moustapha Fall (dir.), Traditions orales postcoloniales, Paris, L’harmattan, 2014, pp.131-142.


Falardeau, Philippe (réalisateur), La moitié gauche du frigo, [DVD], Saint-Laurent, Christal Films, 88 min, son, couleur, 2000.


Touré Fanny-Cissé, Fatoumata, « Sexe et tabous dans les fictions francophones », Les Cahiers du Grelcef, n°11, 2019, pp.23-34.  


Politique par défaut de la rubrique


On mettra dans cette  section des textes de création, des textes hors-dossier ou des entretiens.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.