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Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): La littérature francophone et ses subjectivités constitutives

La question de la subalternité chez Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

  • Hervé Ondoua
April 7, 2021


Can subalterns speak? Francophone text and postcolonial theory. An analysis of Gayatri Chakravorty spivak


Can subalterns speak? Our communication is based on the response to this question following Spivak Marxist approach. By using the deconstructive method, Spivak seek to resist at the translation and the attempt of the “third world acknowledgement by assimilation”. According to Spivak as for Derrida, what matter is how we can welcome the other, how we can go against the violence of translation, of the first question who are you? It is no more about to shadow thought or the thinking subject, but, on the contrary, to enlighten ethnocentrism. The risk here is to “settle back” in the core of hegemonic and imperialist language on essentialism. A rewriting of structural and utopic impulse is needed; the one which makes “mad the inner voice which is the voice of the other in us”. Spivak intend to deconstruct in her position of decolonial and postcolonial intellectual, the concept of “ third world woman”, to unlearn, that is to say to withdraw herself from the logic in which she has been formed as a translator. Therefore, do “can subalterns speak?” appears as the place where minorities come out from the imperialist and discriminating discourse of francophonie? Does this new orientation of the discourse permit to escape from the majority monolithic concepts used by social sciences to talk about minorities?


Subaltern, francophone, color, education, occident


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